My January 2022 on Vocal

What have I done on Vocal this month? Let’s see!

Simona Rosso
1 min readJan 28, 2022
Image created by me on Canva. Description: a Wordpad tab framing the sentence “you are enough”.

Hello, everyone, and welcome to my first monthly update about my activity on Vocal.

To be fair, part of these activities had actually been done before January, but I will include it here as well, since it’s the very first update.

Speaking of these, when I first discovered Vocal after reading a Medium article two months ago, I published my article What I’ve learnt about motivation there. If you enjoyed that article, go check it out on Vocal as well! It doesn’t have many views, so they are going to be very appreciated.

If you’ve read my recent update, you know that I’m “moving” my free articles to Vocal so that I can monetize them while keeping them accessible to everyone, and this is first one.

After reflecting a bit, I decided that I’m not deleting these articles from my Medium profile, but I will edit them with the link to the Vocal version. I will do the same on Vocal, so that my two profiles are steadily linked to one another.

That’s all for this month. How is your January going? Have you ever done something similar? Feel free to tell me in the comments below.



Simona Rosso

She/her. An aspiring translator and language nerd, but also a passionate writer who overthinks and theorizes over anything. Literally.