Future articles, new platforms, new assets

Simona Rosso
2 min readJan 27, 2022


Image made by me on Canva. Icon by sketchify via Canva. Description: the word “Update!” and a pink, yellow and teal megaphone.

Hello, everyone! This article is a quick update on my future plans and news about this profile. In December and January I haven’t published a lot of articles, but I have worked on some side assets.

New platform — I’m on Vocal!

Thanks to a Medium article, I’ve found out about Vocal and I decided to publish some articles there as well, as I want to increase my earnings from monetization and expand my network outside Medium.

On Vocal, I will write longer articles, focusing on pop culture and career. If you’ve watched and enjoyed the anime “Another”, stay tuned!

Moving my free articles on Vocal

A great advantage of Vocal is the opportunity to monetize your article without paywalls, thus making them accessible to anyone.

For this reason, I’m going to move my free Medium articles on Vocal, so that I can monetize more content while keeping it accessible.

I’m going to write free monthly articles here on Medium, where I will give you updates about my articles on Vocal.

New assets

In December and January, I focused on promoting my existing articles across the Internet.

Therefore, I created a Pinterest profile, so you can save my articles in multiple spaces and share them outside of Medium, if you want.

Since I plan on publishing articles on other platforms as well, I also created a carrd link, where you can find all my profiles as a content writer.

What about Medium?

I will write and publish new articles on Medium soon. I have recently read a comment that sparked some inspiration so, again, stay tuned!



Simona Rosso

She/her. An aspiring translator and language nerd, but also a passionate writer who overthinks and theorizes over anything. Literally.