Learn Korean for free (or almost) with these apps and websites

A comprehensive list of (almost) free apps, websites and online resources to learn Korean without spending a fortune.

Simona Rosso
5 min readFeb 9, 2022
Image via Undraw. Description: a woman sitting at a desk, attending an online lecture while surrounded by books.

When I published my article about Korean vocabulary, I got a reply from Storm Ramsey, who asked me about resources to learn Korean. In my reply, I listed the apps and websites that came to my mind with a short description.

Then, I thought: “Why not make a longer, more comprehensive article altogether?”

So, I’d like to thank Storm for this input and show you the resources I’ve used so far with their pros and cons.


If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I’ve been using Duolingo for a while, and I’ve only stopped very recently. This app allows you to practice daily by doing a variety of exercises, including listening comprehensions, guided and autonomous translations, and speaking exercises.

Its biggest pros are a large amount of free content and the frequent reminders that help you be accountable and build a habit, which is great for beginners or busy people.

On the other hand, its core approach is extremely repetitive, and you might get tired of it easily during…



Simona Rosso

She/her. An aspiring translator and language nerd, but also a passionate writer who overthinks and theorizes over anything. Literally.