How to use Duolingo to study for your exam

It’s just an implementation, but it can be very beneficial when done right.

Simona Rosso
6 min readOct 31, 2021
Image by Green Chameleon via Unsplash. Description: a person in a grey sweatshirt writing some notes on a piece of paper using a blue and silver pen.

So, you’re majoring in Modern Languages at university and, at the end of the semester, you’ll have to pass your language exams to graduate or make some progress towards your graduation. But what if you became unmotivated, for whatever reason, and you felt stuck and unable to study?

Fear no more, you can use Duolingo! I know, I know, it’s not the most comprehensive method out there and it certainly won’t help you practice ALL the topics of your syllabus, but it can still be your ally in this trying time. I know this because, as stated in this article, I used it myself to study for my Russian exam during a time when I was feeling extremely unmotivated.

Before I start, let me make three premises: first, my Russian level was and still is, basic (around A2 at best). The higher your language level, the more useless the app might get, so take a moment to reflect on your skills before adopting this strategy. Secondly, my entire experience with this method involves Russian, therefore other languages might have more or fewer resources and features, and that’s something to be mindful about. Lastly, for practical reasons, I’ll assume that your target language is available on Duolingo.



Simona Rosso

She/her. An aspiring translator and language nerd, but also a passionate writer who overthinks and theorizes over anything. Literally.