Do you want to sell your e-book as a side hustle? Think about this first.

What it really takes to publish and sell a book by yourself.

Simona Rosso
5 min readMar 7, 2022
Image by Pereanu Sebastian via Unsplash. Description: an ochra and black typewriter on a wooden table.

While browsing Medium, I have come across some articles about the importance of having a passive income stream or, at least, a low-effort income stream.

Some articles provided some realistic advice, whereas others gave suggestions that are at best more time-consuming than they appear to be.

One of these is the common tip:

write and publish an e-book on Amazon.

It sounds easy, right? Because it’s not. Or, at least, it’s not as easy as it seems.

Now, you might think that I’m just whining because I couldn’t finish a novel to save my life, and you’re right to an extent — I have never even finished a single draft. However, over the years, I have done enough research on the topic to know that there are some factors that you should seriously consider before starting to write an e-book to make a quick buck.

First of all, writing a book is not a short process. Generally speaking, timing is subjective, but no author has ever written an entire novel overnight. Sure, it might not take you a lot to finish your first draft, but, since you need to curate most…



Simona Rosso

She/her. An aspiring translator and language nerd, but also a passionate writer who overthinks and theorizes over anything. Literally.